Saturday 21 June 2014

What Do You Think this Wooden Elephant Samia Khan Shared?

For Us, It means you can definitely Stand Tall & Achieve Your Dreams if you believe In It 110%...

With the Zeal for Life Opportunity
( , We're getting closer as TEAM...

Plug In Now...

Challenge Yourself Today! ..... Feel Your Victory With ZEAL!!

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Zeal.... Join the Trend Now... #IgniteTeamAfrica

Join Us Now... #IgniteTeamAfrica 

I Believe! We Believe!! Zeal Believes!!! Join Us Now #IgniteTeamAfrica

Zurvitazealforlife Robineakins's photo.

Be Part of the TREND Today! #IgniteTeamAfrica

Incredible Zeal Stories... #IgniteTeamNigeria

Hello My name is Robin Eakins, I have been on Almost Ever Diet for the past 30 years and NOTHING has worked for me.. I was so Embarrassed/Ashamed of myself that I almost Took My Life!
Then a very dear Friend gave me a canister of Zeal For Life Product ""Wild Berry"" And Asked me to try it so I did..
I WAS THINKING TO MYSELF"" OK ANOTHER LET ME DOWN DIET Thats never going to work for me!!

((Until NOW)) I started taking Zeal Products On September 2013 My Starting Weight was 427 Pounds... With in 3 DAYS MY Handicap Body started feeling better and I started to get more Healthy as the Weeks/ Months went by MY BODY STATRED LIVING AGAIN....ZEAL FOR LIFE PRODUCTS HAVE SAVED MY LIFE ! ((( I'M ALIVE & LIVING))) TODAY JUNE 11,2014 MY Weight is 349 Pounds I HAVE LOST 77 Pounds in 9 Months.... YES I'M STILL OVERWEIGHT >> BUT IM ALIVE & ZEAL FOR LIFE PRODUCTS ARE LIVING WITHIN ME !! ((( The ZURVITA~ Zeal For Life Products Saved My Life )))
Praise GOD I'M ALIVE ! 

PLEASE TRUST ME Everybody's Body Is Different & The Zeal For Life Products
Is A Positive Approach To Nutrition And Healthy Lifestyle....

Have you heard about the Zeal For Life CHALLENGE?

What Zig Inspired Us With Today... 'Thrilling'

Yes. Be part of our Zeal story today :

Monday 19 May 2014

Examining the Scriptures Today.....

Tuesday, May 20th

More than all else that is to be guarded, safeguard your heart.—Prov. 4:23.

Bible writers use “heart” to describe man’s entire inner self. It encompasses such aspects as our desires, thoughts, disposition, attitudes, capabilities, motivations, and goals. (Deut. 15:7; Prov. 16:9; Acts 2:26) As one reference work states, it is “the sum total of the interior man.” In some cases, “heart” has a narrower meaning. For example, Jesus said: “You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.” (Matt. 22:37) In this instance, “heart” refers to the emotions, desires, and feelings of the inner person. By mentioning heart, soul, and mind separately, Jesus emphasized that we must express our love for God in our feelings as well as by the way we lead our life and use our mental faculties. (John 17:3; Eph. 6:6) But when “heart” is mentioned by itself, it stands for the total inner person. w12 4/15 3:2, 4

What Can You Do Today....

Thursday 27 March 2014

Do you believe in this DREAM?

Yes I Do....

Photo: Who said Residual Income doesn't grow on trees?

What I Stole From Andi Duli Today......

Residual is a latin word. "Resid" means "Every" and "Ual" means "month. However, in greek, the word "residual" means "freedom". Build it once, and it pays every month, and it leads to freedom. Does anyone happen to have any other translations?


If you aspire FREEDOM, Why not start zeal today.... 
Plan A: Go to school, get an education, work 40 hours a week, for the next 40 years, making $40k a year, while building someone else's dreams and hoping you won't get downsized or given a pink slip by retirement. A good majority of people on this plan live pay check to paycheck and retire broke. In most cases, no fulfillment, no advances, no meaning...

Plan B: While working full time building other people's dreams, start part time building yours, 2-5 year plan, sky is the limit. You can start earning income immediately, incentive trips, car programs, meet amazing people that have a vested interest in your success, personal & leadership development, learn, grow and stretch yourself, time and financial freedom… (just to name a few)

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Achievement of the Month.....Wow Indeed! Our Zeal for Life Business Takes a New Dimension

To some of us, we were praying for this opportunity and some others were expecting this improvement and knew it would happen sooner. Finally, ZEAL gets featured in Success from HOME Magazine.....

Remember you could join our Zeal for life team 'Ignite Team'.....Simply send an email to and details will be forwarded to you or order for a personal copy of the Success from Home Magazine and know more about the business of 2014....

Cheers with Zeal,